Age Like a Boss: The Power of Strength Training for Women
The Science Behind Strength Training
Studies show that strength training increases self esteem and self-belief in women. This is separate to the fact that it is an extremely effective way to burn fat.
Want the confidence and the brains? Strength training won’t just improve your mood; it causes physical changes within the brain, improving cognitive function.
And it’s not just the short term benefits that should make up pick up the weights. Taking steps to maintain and build muscle mass is crucial to remain healthy with age.
After the age of 30, we start to lose muscle mass at rate of 3-8% per decade and this accelerates during and post the menopausal transition. This muscle loss results in many aspects of poor health associated with aging including frailty and disease risk.
But this doesn’t have to be your reality. Lifting weights and building muscle can slow and even reverse these changes and will lead to:
Fat loss
Reduced risk of chronic metabolic disease
Improved brain health and reduced dementia risk
Reduced risk of injury and disability
How to get started with strength training
So, what do you need to be doing?
The goal is to lift heavy, as this works your muscles in a way that stimulates growth. Forget the 50 squat challenge - add weight so that you can only do 8 before fatigue.
1. Aim to fail
Lift a weight that allows you to do 6-10 repetitions and ensure you reach failure (i.e. you couldn’t physically complete another rep)
2. Don’t skip leg day
Target all the major muscle groups of the body
3. Focus on compound exercises
Compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench press and rows that recruit multiple big muscles reap the biggest rewards.
4. Progressive overload
Make sure you log your reps, sets and weights to make sure you gradually increase the weight or resistance as you progress
5. Start slow
If you're new to weightlifting, begin with lighter weights and focus on proper form
Remember: Strength training isn't just about looking good. It's about feeling empowered, confident, and healthy at every age.
Ready to get a head start on aging like a boss? Let’s chat - book your free discovery call.